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jeudi, 04 novembre 2010

Prolepse, I : adjectifs toponymiques, avaler la ciguë

His proper business in life was to work, to finish a symphony by finding its lyrical summit. What had oppressed him an hour before was now his solace, and after ten minutes he put out the light and turned on his side: there was always work. He would walk in the Lake District. The magical names were soothing him: Blea Rigg, High Stile, Pavey Ark, Swirl How. He would walk the Langstrath Valley, cross the stream and climb towards Scafell Pike and come home by way of Allen Crags. He knew the circuit well. Striding out, high on the ridge, he would be restored, he would see clearly.


 He had swallowed his hemlock, and there'd be no more tormenting fantasies now. This thought too was comfort, so that long before the chemicals had reached his brain, he had drawn his knees towards his chest, and was released. Hard Knott, Ill Bell, Cold Pike, Poor Crag, Poor Molly…


Amsterdam, I, ii