lundi, 12 septembre 2005
In kind homage to Jacques
I have been half in love with easeful death.
It is sad that friends have been attacked by anonymous bastards on the Web are about to give up writing these beautiful texts of theirs, or at least that they will give up publishing them in their blogs. This is what I mean: I was very sorry to read yesterday night in Jacques’ blog that he could no longer stand being dragged in the mud and that he would no longer take part in this beautifully creative activity known as literary blogging.
I don't know why exactly these words are coming out in English, or why I feel the need to express myself in this foreign tongue, with words that I have never fully made mine. It is all the more surprising since Jacques himself never writes in English, and since we have always exchanged views and opinions in our native language.
Jacques is the author of the beautiful blog entitled Les mots ont un sens, one of the very few which triggered my own desire to create this very site. He is an admirable writer, and it is a shame that frustrated morons should have wounded him so deeply. It is wrong to say, as a French proverb has it, that venom spit out by toads will never reach doves in their sanctified purity. I have experienced this feeling of being slandered by incompetent lunatics, and I can only testify that it is often wounding, no matter how hard you try to dismiss false accusations and nonsensical serendipitous trash.
I can only imagine that Jacques will not change his mind now, that he has had it, that he is completely fed up with silly debates, that he is over and done with blogging, and I can very well understand its position, because, like him, I like writing and sharing my writing with others, but this is only one tiny part of my creative and noncreative life, so that I do not need (and neither does he) this activity to fill any kind of vacuum, unlike the two or three idiots who understand nothing and keep writing offensive sentences on the Web because there is no beauty, no joy, no happiness in their ludicrous lives. If the pleasure felt in blogging is tarnished by numerous mindless intricate arguments such as those created by the aforesaid idiots, the temptation to give up is great indeed, and I'm sure that Jacques will be very happy and busy and creatively lazy now that he has taken the decision not to go on with blogging.
13:55 Publié dans Flèche inversée vers les carnétoiles | Lien permanent | Commentaires (6)
Thank you for this homage, Guillaume.
Écrit par : Jacques Layani | lundi, 12 septembre 2005
To cease upon the midnight ?
O soothest Sleep!
Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards,
And seal the hushed casket of my soul.
Écrit par : guillaume | lundi, 12 septembre 2005
Boa c'est vrai faut pas se laisser abattre par des jeunes cons ... L'écriture apporte tellement à l'âme ...
A Jacques > Tu peux peut-être réapparaître dans la blogosphère avec un blog et son genre nouveaux ...
Écrit par : Simon | lundi, 12 septembre 2005
Je ne suis pas sûr que ce soient de jeunes cons. Ce sont des cons. (Cf Brassens: le temps ne fait rien à l'affaire.)
Laissons couler...
Écrit par : Guillaume | lundi, 12 septembre 2005
I have to say I don't understand the lack of compassion but some things like twats' world, are not meant to be understood. I still think that it's a waste of time to read those people. Anyway I do have a clue why he's closing the blog because late this morning a not interesting exchange was taking place and I just thought, what a waste of energy to even bother. That will be my last comment on MLs
Écrit par : Livy | lundi, 12 septembre 2005
Evidemment d'accord à 100 %, Guillaume. J'ai moi-même déposé le petit caillou blanc de ma désolation sur le blog de Jacques, qui était encore accessible ce matin (et annonçait l'être encore pour huit jours ??? - mais le lien a été rompu ensuite). Il est moche de voir que de tristes imbéciles sont la cause de la fin d'une belle aventure.
Écrit par : fuligineuse | lundi, 12 septembre 2005
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