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vendredi, 23 décembre 2005

Images de la folie et du monde fœtal

“His relatives took everything even before he was born, shared it all out between them while he was still contentedly rocking in his amnesiac broth, wrapped tight in his amniotic caul. He was born after his father’s death, an orphan, and his male relatives took what there was and shared it between them while he was still pending, leaving nothing for him. Not even a length of cloth for a shroud, as older people used to say.” (Abdulrazak Gurnah. By the Sea. Bloomsbury, 2001, p. 178)


« longue nuit où pour la première fois la folie déposa ses larves jaunes dans mon âme » (Julio Llamazares. La pluie jaune. Traduit par Michèle Planel. Verdier, 1990, p. 50)

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