jeudi, 22 mars 2012
Mingus Minces
Charles Mingus resented being called Charlie. And didn't he just hate being called a giant ? Sure he did. Did hate that. Charles Mingus hated the word jazz. Now he did. Let it also be said that Charles Mingus resented people who could not hold their applause until the end of a song. Mingus hated the Beatles, Eric Dolphy said. Charles Mingus resented all nicknames derived from Charles, more particularly Charlie. And with all his love for skins and views, Charles Mingus hated his stay at Bellevue so much that he composed a tune punning on such hatred (Hellview of Bellevue). True, he did. Did Charles Mingus. And he resented the word jazz even more than he resented the world of jazz.
15:55 Publié dans Jazeur méridional, Le Livre des mines | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
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